Fashion Day is April 13th.





Media credentials and access will be granted only to individuals with a legitimate working function at a game, training session or event. The bearer must be on a specific assignment. Credentials are non-transferable. Any unauthorized use of a credential subjects the bearer to ejection from the stadium. Resale or attempted resale is grounds for seizure and cancellation.

The following actions may result in seizure of credential and/or ejection of its wearer from the stadium or training facility:

Requesting autographs at any time
Taking photographs with players/coaches
Using credential for family or friends of a working media member
Conduction of unauthorized interviews
Unprofessional behavior (cheering in the press box, consumption of alcoholic beverages, lingering around locker rooms, failure to abide by posted rules, etc.)


Media Access at Practice: Clubs are required to make all practices open to media for a minimum of 15 minutes. Additionally, Clubs must make every effort to accommodate media requests for both coaches and players following the conclusion of practices. Clubs are strongly encouraged to ensure that ball work is at least part of the 15-minute access period.
Clubs violating the media access policies on practice days will be subject to fines or other discipline at the discretion of NWSL.
Matchday-1 and Matchday-2 Media Access: Teams are required to make both the head coach and 1-2 players available to media at a pre-match press conference on MD-1 or MD-2 via Zoom, in-person or hybrid. Any additional interview requests and availability will be accommodated to the best of the PR staff's ability following each presser.

Postgame Media Access: Players from both teams will be available to media post-game in a press conference, mixed zone or hybrid format located outside the team locker rooms or in a location near the field of play. Media access will begin approximately 10-20 minutes after the conclusion of the match. Locker rooms will not be open to media at any point.

After the match has concluded, outside of the public areas of the arena, media members are permitted only in or in purposeful transit to the following areas: inside the stanchions of the mixed zone, seated inside the home team press conference room, seated inside the visiting team press conference room, or actively working in the media workroom. Media are specifically prohibited from stopping and/or lingering in the locker room corridor or within close proximity to locker rooms. Photography is NOT ALLOWED in or of the locker room corridor. Violations of these rules shall be considered Unprofessional Behavior under the Gotham FC Media Policy and may result in seizure of media credentials and ejection of the media member from the stadium.

Team PR directors should be present to indicate the beginning and end of media access to players, and ensure media have access to the head coach and players after the match. All players are highly encouraged to be available to media post-game.

All regulations about post-game media access should be clearly communicated to team staff and security to ensure a secure environment.

No individuals other than League or Club representatives shall be allowed in or around Club locker rooms following a game.

Under no circumstances shall any club and/or its players discriminate in any fashion against an accredited member of the media based upon race, creed, sex or national origin. Team PR directors will highlight players from the match and consider requested names from attending media, or media in the ‘NWSLMedia’ Slack channel, when deciding on available players. Selected players should be confirmed prior to the end of the match and clearly communicated to attending media as soon as possible. Team PR staff must be present to indicate the beginning and end of media access to players and coaches. All regulations about post-game media access should be clearly communicated to team staff and security to ensure a secure environment.

Seating Access: Accredited media members will have access to the stadium, professional workrooms and stadium seating, if available. During the match, accredited media will have access to the press box which will be restricted to only those accredited media members.

In addition, each stadium should have a Press Box capable of seating no less than TEN (10) people, with separate areas for working press and electronic broadcasters, and sufficient power outlets for all needs. If possible, all accredited media members should be given a seat in the press box.

All credentialed media shall be seated in media seating areas, consistent with treatment afforded comparable media. In addition, all members of the media are to be afforded equal treatment and access to facilities and personnel, regardless of sex.

When the press box is fully occupied by working media, referee assessors or in-stadium observers shall be provided seating with a desk or table shielded from the weather and a vantage point to view replays (if available) from any telecast. The specific location may be determined by the Home Team but must provide these minimum accommodations.

In order to maintain the integrity of the working press box, seating is specifically reserved for media members. All other individuals (including player agents, VIP’s and administrators) should be seated in overflow booths or assigned stadium seats.

Traveling Media: Members of the working media who travel with a visiting team are not to be treated in a discriminatory manner with regard to seating or any other privilege or facility accorded to the home media. Comparable seating and equipment should apply to home and road media (print and electronic).

Guidelines for Photographers and Camera Operators: All photographers and television camera operators must stay behind the field boards at all times, unless released by the on-site photo marshal. The only exception to the field board rule will be when a club's official staff photographer, a national rights-holder or NWSL has a crew at a game. These entities will be allowed to shoot from the area between the field boards and the touch lines in the area bounded by the top of the 18-yard box and the end line.

Each photographer will be permitted to use one monopod — but no tripods. No seats other than “lawn-type” photographer seats will be permitted.

Stand-alone remote units will not be permitted at any time on or around the goal posts. Units mounted on the top of field boards behind the end line will be permitted at the stadium’s discretion, provided the equipment does not interfere with the clear display of the field board and does not impede the operation of broadcast equipment.

Live television crews located on the baseline or sideline will be limited to two (2) people — a camera operator and a cable-puller — and ENG crews will be limited to one (1) person. In either case, the crew must maintain actual possession of the camera and any other equipment during all game action. Cameramen and cable-pullers from all television crews must remain off the playing field at all times.

Photographer Access to field: Photographers and camera operators shall be permitted behind the field boards in the area bounded by the top of the 18-yard box and the end line (a C-shape that extends from the top of the 18, back behind the goal, and to the top of the 18 on the opposite side of the field).

Once situated, no movement between the two halves of the field shall be permitted until halftime. Changes in this policy will be allowed in cases where stadium facilities dictate alterations. No photographers shall be allowed to move from end to end on the bench side of the field.

Photographer Identification: In addition to their regular credential, it is strongly recommended that photographers and camera crews be issued with colored bibs or armbands. This will necessitate a special area in or near the stadium where they can pick up their bibs, on presentation of their accreditation, either the day before the match or on game day, at the time media gates are opened. If they are not to be allowed to keep the bib, then it should be exchanged for a press card to be picked up following the game, or else signed out.

Photography Work Area: A work area should be provided for photographers, near the field where appropriate, with high-speed internet access. The size of the room may vary, but it should be sizeable enough for at least 5 – 10 people to work on desktops/tables. Like the press section of the stands, the photographers’ work room should have sufficient electrical sockets and compatible with the equipment being used for transmission.

Accreditation: Care should be taken when processing credential requests for photographers shooting for commercial agencies. NWSL does not permit the accreditation of photographers shooting specifically for commercial agencies. However, since many agencies offer editorial and commercial sales options (Getty Images, AP, Reuters, etc.) this must be handled on a case-by-case basis.


Video Footage: All rights to match footage including all applicable copyrights belong to NWSL. For the 2025 season, CBS, ESPN, Prime Video and Scripps are the sole US rights holders for broadcasting matches. Organizations interested in recording video footage at an NWSL match for non-news gathering purposes must contact the NWSL Communications office.

Television Broadcasters

Game Action: Television broadcasters can use footage of NWSL events obtained either via 1) their own recording or 2) action dubbed from a NWSL rights holder broadcasts (Prime Video, CBS, ESPN, Scripps) or Gotham FC local broadcast (MSG Networks) with credit only in connection with its regularly scheduled news programming within a week of the game. This footage should not exceed two (2) minutes. Highlights aired as part of a continuous news program should not be longer than one (1) minute per 30-minute segment. Credits: NWSL, LLC.

Filming – Game Action: For televised events, non-rights holders / ENG cameras may record the first 15 minutes of each half (from 00:00 to 15:00 and 45:00 to 60:00 on the game clock). For non-televised events, non-rights holders / ENG cameras may record the entire game but are still subject to the aforementioned limits. This includes events that are streamed live online.

Filming – Interviews and Scene Sets: There is no limit to the gathering of footage pre-game, at halftime and post-game. All footage gathered is subject to the usage guidelines indicated in this document.

Filming – In Seating Area: Video cameras looking to shoot in the concourse or seating area must contact home team and NWSL in advance of the event for approval.

Previews or Advances: In advance of a NWSL event, television broadcasters can use two (2) minutes of archival game action to preview an upcoming event. In the local/regional markets, broadcasters should mention the time and location of the game along with their report. Outside of the local markets, broadcasters should mention the time and broadcast information.

Television Broadcasters’ Web Sites: Video produced for air as part of regular programming that is simulcast or archived online must be accompanied by a link to NWSLsoccer.com. Content produced exclusively for the Internet is subject to the guidelines for Online Video.


Game Action: Online organizations (including print publications that post video online) are not permitted to film or use game action video without prior written approval by NWSL. Game action includes any footage of the field, teams, etc., following the beginning of the television broadcast window. Only video of off-field activities (i.e. interviews, training sessions) may be recorded.

Non-Game Video: Any video posted online that is recorded as part of media access is limited to the use of eight (8) minutes per day/activity date. Online video may not incorporate integrated advertising and must be accompanied by links to NWSLsoccer.com.

Professional Presentation: Online video is expected to be recorded, edited and presented in a professional manner. Video must be presented/hosted on an organization’s website, and not solely on a site provided by a third-party (i.e., YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, etc.).

Online Video Sites: Organizations who regularly post video to online video sites (i.e., YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) may not include advertising with video gathered as a result of media access. Allowing users to embed these videos is not permitted, and the description of any video must include a link to NWSLsoccer.com.




Media members interested in being added or removed from the Gotham FC media distribution list, please send an email request, outlining your interest to ckutner@gothamfc.com.

In addition, all team-issued releases are posted HERE and can be republished in their entirety.


Media requesting interviews with any Gotham FC players, coaches or staff must make arrangements with Gotham FC communications staff members or via communications@gothamfc.com.

When requesting interviews, media must notify Gotham FC which outlet they represent and the general focus/purpose of the interview in addition to whether any audio and/or video will be taken. Ultimately, any interview request will be considered at the discretion of the Gotham FC communications department.

Inquiring media are urged to give the club’s communications department ample time to coordinate the interview. All proposed one-on-one interviews should be submitted within at least 24 hours of the intended time.


Each week during the season, the Gotham FC communications department will distribute a schedule containing player/coach availability for the upcoming week. All dates and times will be subject to change at the discretion of Gotham FC’s communications staff.

Audio, Video and Photo Requests: Media are welcome to utilize digital assets captured by Gotham FC communications staff. Please reach out to a Gotham FC communications team member.


Per NWSL rules, all Gotham FC training sessions are open for 15 minutes to credentialed media members. Media availability will be determined on a week-to-week basis, with details laid out in the team’s official weekly schedule to be distributed on Sunday night or Monday morning.

Player Availability: Media availability will typically take place on matchday-2 (two days before a game) following that day’s training session. That is subject to change but will be laid out in each week’s media schedule distributed by the Gotham FC communications staff. Media are encouraged to follow the weekly schedule or contact a member of Gotham FC’s communications staff to set up a one-on-one interview with a player.

Head Coach Juan Carlos Amoros: Gotham FC head coach Juan Carlos Amoros addresses the media on a weekly basis, typically on matchday-2 (two days before each scheduled match). Interview requests outside of that time period can be made with Gotham FC vice president of communications Jeff Greer (jgreer@gothamfc.com).

General Manager and Head of Soccer Operations Yael Averbuch West: General Manager and Head of Soccer Operations Yael Averbuch West will be made available by appointment only during the regular season. All requests for Averbuch West should go through Gotham FC vice president of communications Jeff Greer (jgreer@gothamfc.com).

Assistant Coaches/Technical Staff: Special requests to speak with assistant coaches or other technical staff members can be made through the Gotham FC communications department and are subject to approval.


Please Contact:

Gotham FC Communicationscommunications@gothamfc.com